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Order and Delivery Support

What countries does Nuud Gum ship to?

Right now we only ship to the UK. We're on a mission to rid the world of plastic gum. We'd love everyone to say goodbye to plastic gum and get Nuud. We'll keep you posted on our plans for the rest of the world!

What does a subscription to Nuud Gum mean?

Subscribe to Nuud and you'll save on every chew!. With a Nuud subscription you can chews how often you want to chew, and we'll send your gum to you. Want more or heading on holiday? You can change your preferences in your account at any time.

Can I change the products on my subscription?

You can change your subscription at any time. Just log into your account. If you need help contact Team Nuud and we'll get it sorted for you.

What do I do if my order was damaged in transit?

We do everything we can to make sure your Nuuds to you safely. Sometimes accidents happen along the journey and the packs don't arrive looking their best. When this happens get in touch with us and we'll organise a replacement for you.

How do I return my order?

Get in touch with Team Nuud within 14 days of receiving your delivery. We'll provide instructions on how to return your gum and let you know what happens next.

Which courier is my order sent via?

Your Nuud delivery will be sent via Royal Mail. It should reach you within 2-3 days of being sent. You'll be sent a link via email, so you can track the journey.

Can I change the products on my subscription?

You can change your Nuud subscription at any time in your account.

Can I add extra one-off products to my order?

You can add one-off orders to your Nuud delivery.

I made a mistake while ordering, how do I make changes?

Log into your account settings to change your order

How much does Nuud charge for delivery?

Standard delivery is free for subscriptions. A delivery charge may apply to one-off purchases and will be confirmed at point of purchase.